Used servers are an affordable way to accomplish hosting production needs. Browse various Dell servers on eBay below. Utilize a server below to begin hosting files, start an internet radio station or operate Virtual Box.
With fiber optic internet becoming more and more available, hosting at your home or business has in general become more feasible. Usually for just a website or 2 it is better to just utilized a hosting service such as Site Valley but in the instance of larger needs such as multiple websites - hosting at home may be the better option.

Pictured above are close up photos of a Dell Poweredge R820. It was purchased used off eBay for $289.00 - looks and functions like new. It has four 2.4 GHZ 8 Core processors, 6 internal fans, and fifteen 2.5" SATA hard drive bays. It has a built in RAID controller and allows for massive storage.
Hosting at home gives you absolute control over your website or radio station however this may not be a feasible option for all. Website hosting can be done on a dynamic IP address however its much more convenient to have static. There are options for overcoming a changing IP address such as API and scripts or a VPN.
A server can be useful even at a location that lacks high quality internet should there be needs for local intranet such as file serving in a business or internet radio broadcasting.
Server Purchase Considerations
- Processing Power. The number of available cores per server can determine how many virtual machines you can put into production.
- Available Hard Drive Storage Bays.
- Rack Mountable?
- Price.